Monday, December 19, 2005

Maven 2 - How To: Where to put the properties?

1) The properties, in Maven 1 in and, are stored in settings.xml

2) Create the settings.xml in your user directory

Under Windows XP, this is:

C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\.m2\settings.xml

If you have to configure a proxy, it would look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

3) Since settings.xml is not part of your workspace and won't be stored in the project repository, you don't have it within your development environment. I'm using Eclipse for my development and I included the settings.xml in my project as a linked resource to the file system.

This approach gives you the advantage, that you can edit settings.xml easily within Eclipse and you don't have to leave your development environment :)

* * *


Saturday, December 17, 2005

Maven 2 - How To: Multiple Module (flat project layout)

1) Create at least two Maven projects in a flat project layout...



2) Define the <groupId> and <artifactId> of the modules...





3) Define the modules in the master project...

Here I added first the artifactId, but it didn't work. I changed it to the directory and everything was fine.



4) Add the <parent> and <dependency> element in the slave module...



5) Call mvn install...

First the master project will be called and than slaven... That's it :)

* * *



Maven 2 - How To: Add LICENSE.txt

1) Add LICENSE.txt to the root directory of your project...

%YOUR_PROJECT% pom.xml
src site ...

2) Copy your license into LICENSE.txt

3) Include the <licenses> element in the pom.xml...


<name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>

4) Inculde project ${reports} in site.xml



Maven 2 - Collection of How-To's

I'm currently migrating two projects to Maven 2 ( and decided that I'll document this within my blog.

Although the Maven documentation has grown a lot, I'm still having difficulties to find the right piece of documentation to get my things done. Often I have to check the Maven repository to see how the Maven guys did it. By the way - I think this is a great advantage of open source ;) I hope and I'm quite sure, that this will improve a lot within the next few weeks and months.

Since I forget very fast ;) (very-very short time memory), I'll write down a collection of How-To's, where I describe little tasks. Maybe this will be helpful for other people too...

Working Offline

Currently I'm spending many hours working offline and this wasn't very easy when I started doing it. I was used to have internet access 24x7. Since I'm in Thailand (see now and I don't have an internet access at the place I'm staying, I had to find a new way of working.

My first approach was saving the websites with Firefox ( for offline reading and Google Desktop Search ( for indexing all the pages. After a while I switched from Firefox to HTTrack ( for downloading the pages, since it allows the download of a complete website with all the links and referenced pages. This approach was ok, but had its disadvantages like:

1) I had to come up with my own directory structure to save all the websites.
2) Using Firefox wasn't very comfortable since it tries to save the file with the URL file name. This is very unpleasant if you have a site providing dynamic content and it's using post - every URL looks exactly the same and you will have to rename each file you would like to save locally.
3) Some websites can't be downloaded with HTTrack (or at least I didn't find the right configuration). I spent hours to find the right configuration for downloading Maven (, but I wasn't very successful.
4) It took quite some time to start and configure HTTrack everytime I wanted to have a certain page for offline reading.
5) Often I downloaded much more than I wanted with HTTrack, which resultat in very long download times and waste of diskspace.

But the biggest drawback was, that this approach saved a lot of garbage on my laptop, which I dind't wanted. Most of the pages show headers, footers, menus and a lot of advertisement. By using Firefox or HTTrack all of this was downloaded as well and resultet in bad search results in Google Desktop Search, this because menus referenced to other pages with the actual content and this menu links contained my search key words, of course Google Desktop Search listed them too.

Finally I found a much nicer and even easier approach. My dream team is called PDFCreater (, and Google Desktop Search. Everytime I see a page, an article or some content I would like to read offline, I print it with PDFCreator and save the pdf file on my disk. First of all, many pages offer a printer-friendly version of the content which results in a nice print and in this case in a nice pdf file. I don't have to create complex directory structures anymore, I just created a simple structure with meta descriptions and I save all the pages/pdfs in these directories. Google Desktop Search has no problem indexing the pdf files and it's also nicer to read them in Acrobat Reader ( than in Firefox. The final advantage for me is, that I can easily backup all the files and I use them as my knowledgebase.

If you have to work a lot offline, but you still would like to read current articles from the internet, you might want to try this approach. If you have a better approach, I'm very interested in knowing it... thanks in advance :)

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Java XML Binding

I'm working right now on CreateTree, a simple tool for reading and
creating directory and file structures, CreateTree is a part of the BDT
project (

The model is defined in a XML Schema and finally transformed with Apache
XML Beans into a Java model.

Before I decided to use Apache XML Beans, I had a look at, a project which compares Java XML
Binding tools.

Since I don't have much experience with bind tools, Bindmark is very
helpful and provides a lot of information.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

New Eclipse help plugin for available

New Eclipse help plugin for the tutorials at available

I developed a new Eclipse help plugin, containing all the tutorials from With the new plugin, you can select the tutorials you would like to see and you don't have to download all of it at once.

This will help us to deliver new tutorials easier for the help plugin.

You can find the Eclipse help plugin under:

Enjoy :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

New visual tutorials available

I added four new tutorials to The new tutorials are based on Eclipse 3.1.x and show some of the new features.

- Ant Code Templates
- Generating Ant Buildfile for Eclipse Java project
- Create a new Perspective
- How to use the Help System


Saturday, October 15, 2005

Great Ranking for

Today I had a look at to see, what rank the project has and I was completely surprised!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks to me, that the other 9 projects in the list have a very close relation to If this is right, I think the 3rd rank is simply great :)

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Joomla Developer

The Joomla community has a new development space provided by Sourceforge:
It's amazing to see, what momentum is behind some people :) I wish them all the best in developing Joomla and increasing the community!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Saturday, August 06, 2005


New Eclipse Website available

Have fun!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Inversion of Control

Inversion of Control is a key part of what makes a framework different to a library. A library is essentially a set of functions that you can call, these days usually organized into classes. Each call does some work and returns control to the client.

A framework embodies some abstract design, with more behavior built in. In order to use it you need to insert your behavior into various places in the framework either by subclassing or by plugging in your own classes. The framework's code then calls your code at these points.

Martin Fowler -

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

How To Remove An Obsolet Workspace From Eclipse 3.1

Sometimes you would like to remove an obsolet workspace from Eclipse. Suppose you have made a test workspace to try some things out and now you don't wont and don't need it anymore.

If you remove the workspace from your disk, it'll still appear in the workspace launcher, when you start up Eclipse.

So, how do you get rid of it?

Ecplise is storing the workspace information in a preferences file called "org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs". This file is located under "%ECLIPSE_HOME%\configuration\.settings" and contains a key named "RECENT_WORKSPACES". The value of this key contains a comma seperated list of workspaces, more precisely the path to the workspaces. If you delete one of the entries, it'll disappear from the workspace launcher.

What you have to do is the following:
  • exit Eclipse
  • delete the workspace from your disk
  • delete the path pointing to your obsolet workspace in the mentioned preferences file
  • start Eclipse
You shouldn't see the workspace anymore in your workspace launcher :-)

Friday, July 22, 2005

German translation of

The first german translation of is done. I figured out, that it's not that easy to translate tutorials :-)

Open Source Java Applikationen entwickeln mit und Eclipse

Let me know, if there are some terrible translation mistakes!

Enjoy! :-)

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Subversion 1.2.0

Version 1.2.0 released. See Subversion

Monday, May 23, 2005

BDT - Build Development Tools

New project started for Eclipse...

The BDT (Build Development Tools) Project is working towards providing a fully functional Build Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the Eclipse platform.

Check it out from time to time, there should be some changes within the next few weeks.

Ant 1.6.4 Available

Ant 1.6.4 Available!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Maven & multiple source trees

Have a look at an interesting article about Maven and multiple source trees in Michael Nielsen's Blog:

Build Environment Systems

When ever you start a new project you'll find out, that you have to ship the software at a certain point :-) and to do that there are many tasks involved:
  • deliver the application as a zip file including a batch or shell script to execute it
  • deliver the application with all the necessary deployment descriptors, security role assignments, etc., so the application can be deployed
  • deliver an installer for one or many operating systems
  • deliver it in any kind your customer would like to have it
Usually this task is not that complex, but there are many tiny tasks involved, like:
  • pack all the necessary libs for your application
  • generate a working classpath (sometimes not that easy...)
  • generate all the documentations
  • generate the batch and shell scripts
  • generate some testdata
  • create the installer build files
  • etc.
If you forget one or you don't do them the same way every time, your delivery won't address the needs and the expectations of your customer.

Beside this, if your delivery will be tested by some testing folks on the customer side, they'll flood your bug tracking system, because some bugs will look quite different every time. And you won't hire some new people just to sort out the same bugs, would you? ;-)

To address these needs, most Java projects are using Ant. Ant is a quasi standard for building Java applications. The Apache Ant project describes itself as: Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool. In theory, it is kind of like Make, but without Make's wrinkles.

In Ant you can define targets and within the targets you have different tasks. The targets once more can have dependencies to other targets. If you are not familiar with Ant, have a look at "Writing a Simple Buildfile" tutorial from the Ant project. This will give you a good introduction.

If you start using Ant, you figure out, that you are doing the same things again and again. For example: your application is based on several components and you would like to compile each of them independently. You'll start writing a compile target for every component and at a certain point you'll try to refactor your build files so you can use one compile target for all your components.

I invested quite some time in my build files and started to use them in different projects. So I started to use my own build environment components. I'm not quite sure, if this is the right approache, since there are many projects out there which are doing the same thing... but usually much more sophisticated...

These projects are using Ant or extending it and building a set of predefined targets to use:
To get a more complete list of Ant related tools, check the Ant project site:
Another Apache project, addressing the need of a good build environment system is Maven. Maven itself is much more sophisticated than Ant and they use a different aproach. Maven is built around a project object model and is providing a huge set of goals (in Ant terms these would be targets). Beside this, Maven is able to deal with dependencies in your project.

Currently the Maven team is working on Version 2.0 of Maven. If you are interested in Maven 2.0 have a look at the project site:

It's very much recommended, that you invest enough time in your build environment and that you maintain it as good as possible. You should keep in mind, that your build scripts are a part of your software and you should treat it with the same respect as your source code.

Some people might think, that a fully automated build environment is to expensive. But if you have a closer look at all the details and all the knowledge lying in your build environment and in your build process, you'll see that the positive aspects outweigh.

To understand the importance of a good build environment, you also should read the article of Martin Fowler about Continuous Integration.

Monday, May 16, 2005

ApacheCon Europe 2005

FindBugs 0.8.8 - Code Analyzer

The FindBugs Java code analysis tool project has released version 0.8.8 with many feature enhancements. Those include detection for duplicate code in if/else statements, new function calls, increased detection of impossible casts, statistics saving, and more.

PMD 3.1

Tom Copeland had announced the release of version 3.1 of his Java code analyzer PMD. "It includes eight new rules, a slew of bug fixes, and better support for JDK 1.5. Several rules were optimized, for example, UnusedModifer now runs about ten times faster." A full change log is available.

Apache Maven 2.0 Alpha 2

The Apache Maven development team has announced the release of version 2.0 Alpha 2 of the software project management tool. "This release is expected to be much more architecturally stable, making early adoption a possiblity. At this point, there are still only the core plugins available."

Eclipse 3.1 Milestone 7

The Eclipse IDE project has released its seventh milestone for version 3.1. "M7 is the final milestone build of the Eclipse Platform 3.1 development cycle, and marks the official start of the 3.1 endgame." M7 features undo and redo features for refactoring, and many UI tweaks.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

New Visual Tutorials -

I've added three new Visual Tutorials to and modified the help plugin.
If you have and ideas or suggestions about the tutorials, let me know :-)


Saturday, May 07, 2005

Friday, May 06, 2005

Update site available for

The update site for is now available on the project site:
Enjoy :-)

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Static Code Analysis

If you would like to improve the quality of your code you can use a set of open source tools to achieve that. For Java there are many different tools, covering different aspects of static code analysis.

Please keep in mind, that automated static code analysis, never gives you a 100% answer about the quality of your code. From my point of view, it's more about getting some indications if your code has more or less options for improvements. Believe me, most of the time, there are more options for improvements then you would think of...

Code Conventions - CheckStyle

Let's start with the basic need of code conventions. If you start a new project you would like to have some conventions how the code has to be written. There are some Java code conventions provided by Sun, but you don't want to check them manually, do you?

To ensure, that your code is written according to your conventions, you can use CheckStyle. Run your checks with Ant or a command line tool.

It's highly recommended to use Ant or Maven to do the checks, since you would like to have a complete build cycle with different tools.

Code Reviews - Hammurapi, PMD

Usually there are some development guidelines, best practices or just how-to's while your working on a project, a framework or an application. These guidelines try to improve the quality of your software. But how do you check, if people follow these guidelines? Usually you do code reviews and try to find obvious mistakes. But unfortunately code reviews are very time consuming and expensive.

You can automatize certain aspects of the review process, by checking your code with tools like Hammurapi or PMD. Both tools provide rules which are organized in different groups, like: database connection pool, EJB, exception handling, and many more. Have a look at the project sites to get an overview of all the available rules.

If you have some special guidelines, which are important for your project, but not available in Hammurapi or PMD, you can write your own rules. Both tools are providing a simple interface to add new, project specific rules.

Common Bugs - FindBugs

There are many different type of bugs, you can write :-) and many times they follow a certain pattern. With FindBugs you can analyze your code and it'll check it according to a huge set of possible bugs, based on patterns.

Once again, there is no guarantee, you'll find all the bugs or it'll even point you to some code fragments which don't have a bug at all.

Testing - JUnit, TestNG

Testing is one of the most important aspects of quality. If you don't write test cases for your software, you don't know, what you are developing. Testing is a necessary precondition for refactoring. If you refactor your code, without test cases, you can't tell, if you changed something in the functionality or not.

A quasi standard testing tool is JUnit. It's a simple testing framework for unit testing. There is a huge set of tools, using JUnit as a core to test different aspcets, like HTTPUnit, Cactus or StrutsTestCase.

In the last few months an other testing framework got a lot of attention, it's called TestNG. Since JUnit has many limitations, there is a need for a more flexible testing framework.

Coverage - Corbertura, JCoverage, EMMA

While writing unit tests for your software, you would like to know, how much of your code is covered by your tests. There are quite many tools, which try to address this need. Have a look at Corbertura, JCoverage or EMMA for a start.

Many times the coverage tools are used for analyzing the test coverage of your software. An other nice aspect would be, to analyze the code which has been used during the execution of your application. These could show you, which code has been "touched" during the exectution and if you have to do some bug fixing, you would see, if a certain class is used quite often or seldom.

Test Quality - Jester

To find out, how robust your test classes and methods are, you can use Jester to test your test code.

Build Environment - Ant, Maven

As mentioned above, you should atomize your build environment. I think, the quasi standard to do this is Ant. Another very nice tool, is Maven. Both are providing the possibility to atomize a complex set of task.

Contiunous Integration - CruiseControl

Finally, you would like to analyze your code as often as possible. Now we are talking about continuous integration. Please take the time and read the article of Martin Fowler about continuous integration, I belive it's a must for every developer!

A great tool, to set up an continuous integration environment is CruiseControl. There are some other tools, but I won't mention them here.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Google How-To

Google provides many services around searching. Are you sure, you use Google the best way and that you get the maximum out of it?

If you are not sure, have a look at these links:
Google started recently a personal search history. You can get an account and tracking your searches:
And if you would like to develop your own application, Google provides a search API:
Happy googeling ;-)

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Eclipse Help Plugin for

I packed the Tutorials into an Eclipse Help Plugin, which is available in the Help Contents of Eclipse.

For the moment you can reach the Update Site on:
The plugin and the is not in sync, since I didn't automated it yet. I'll update the plugin from time to time...

If you have any suggestions, please let me know...

Monday, April 11, 2005

CruiseControl Action Movie

If you like the idea of continuous intergration, check out a CruiseControl action movie by Mike Clark:

Network Prefetching in Firefox

Get Firefox!

Firefox is supporting a prefetching mechanism, which allows to download site's in the background.

You can enable prefetching by doing the following:
  1. Type "about:config" in the address bar.
  2. Scroll down to the setting "network.prefetch-next" and set the value to "true".
By default, prefetching is enabled.

Check out these links for more information:

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Maven 2.0 Technology Preview Release

The first Maven 2.0 Technology Preview release is now out:

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Eclipse Plugins

If you are looking for Eclipse plugins, check the following sites...

The Eclipse project is maintaining a community page with many links:
There is also a great site by Urbaan, with a huge list of plugins:
It's also worth to check a site provided by Genuitec, Innoopract, and Instantiations:
And of course there are some sites by IBM, including as well articles and tutorials:

Friday, April 08, 2005

Source Code Search Engines

Lately I was thinking about all the open source code which is available around the world. I was asking myself, how it would be possible to search through all this code and to use it for studies and analysis.

Of course, this is not a new idea and I was surprised how many tools try to address this topic in one or another way...

Source Code:

    From the site: is the leading search engine for open source code. Our source code optimized search engine provides developers with an easy-to-use interface to search for source code examples and discover new open source projects which can be leveraged in their applications.


    From the site: We analyze the source code of production Java open source projects such as Ant, Tomcat and Batik and load that analysis into a database designed for easy searching. You enter the name of a Java Class.method you want to see example invocations of and click Search.


    From the site: DevX's Sourcebank is a directory of links to source code and script posted around the Web. Use the Search option to find terms within the source code. To cast the widest net, use the search with All Types selected. Or, you can browse through a subset of the code by categories (below). First, select a filter, such as C or Java, by clicking on one of the square buttons and then choose one of the categories (such as Mathematics) from within that filter.


    From the site: gonzui is a source code search engine for accelerating open source software development. In the open source software development, programmers frequently refer to source codes written by others. Our goal is to help programmers develop programs effectively by creating a source code search engine that covers vast quantities of open source codes available on the Internet.

Components, Libraries:

    From the site: CodeZoo exists to help you find high-quality, freely available, reusable components, getting you past the repetitive parts of coding, and onto the rest and the best of your projects. It’s a fast-forward button for your compiler.


    From the site: Searches for jar files or fully qualified java class names usually performed under 2 seconds. Package or non-qualified class name searches may take around 10 seconds


    From the site: JDocs is a comprehensive online resource for Java API documentation. All the javadocs for a variety of popular packages are loaded into our db-driven system, and users can contribute their own notes to virtually any class, field, method. In short, JDocs provides a knowledge base defined around the major Java api's themselves, so you can find the information you're looking for right where it should be... in the documentation!


    From the site: You can search from the url, eg:


    From the site: ashkelon is an open source project. It is a Java API documentation tool designed for Java developers. Its goals are the same as the goals of the well-known javadoc tool that comes with J2SE, whose user interface most java developers are quite familiar with.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Project "PMD" has released the new version

From the site...

PMD scans Java source code and looks for potential problems like:

  • Empty try/catch/finally/switch blocks

  • Unused local variables, parameters and private methods

  • Empty if/while statements

  • Overcomplicated expressions - unnecessary if statements, for loops that could be while loops

  • Classes with high Cyclomatic Complexity measurements

PMD has plugins for JDeveloper, Eclipse, JEdit, JBuilder, Omnicore's CodeGuide, NetBeans/Sun ONE Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, TextPad, Maven, Ant, Gel, JCreator, and Emacs. You can download everything from here.

Check out the project:

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

New Blog...

Starting a new Blog on