Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Screencast Blog

Today I found the screencast blog, which provides a huge number of screencast which mostly show Eclipse features.

Have a look, it's really interesting:


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

WebTest Screencast: Data Driven WebTest

We finally made it :)

Marc Guillemot ( and I published the new WebTest ( screencast showing Data Driven WebTest based on Google Calculations.

You can find the screencast here:

New screencasts will follow soon...


Kind regards,

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Groovy Posts & Links

I'm following the Groovy ( posts and links on and It is amazing, how the number of posts and saved URL's increased over the last couple months.

If you would like to have a look at these, check the following links...


Enjoy reading!


Monday, October 29, 2007

WebTest vs. Selenium

Marc Guillemot compares the features of two popular open source testing tools: WebTest and Selenium!

A must read post! Very interesting!

[..] The maintainability of automated tests depends primarily on the skills of the test authors, but different tools have different features that impact their efficiency. This blog post compares the features of two open source automated web testing tools: Canoo WebTest and Selenium.



Monday, September 10, 2007

WebTest Screencast: New cast on its way...

Tonight we (Marc Guillemot and myself) were working on a new screencast for WebTest. The new cast will be about data driven web testing.

I'll try to bring the cast online till end of the week, or at least a first beta version :) As soon as I have it published, I'll post a new blog entry.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

WebTest Screencast: Creating a first WebTest project

Marc Guillemot ( and myself are working on some screencasts to show WebTest capabilities. The first screencast has been announced on the WebTest mailing list:

and can be found here:

We are looking forward to publish a couple more screencasts within the next few months. If there are special features you would like to see in the upcoming screencast, let me know :)



Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Dealing with critics?

There is an interesting post on Marc Guillemot's blog:

He's blog entry can be understood in a way, that the lack of XPath can be associated to the lack of test automation experience. If this relation is correct or not is not as interesting as the reaction which has raised based on his entry.

I'm very surprised, how personal this was taken, especially the comment of Neil: I would have expected more distance to such a statement and more tolerance.

My understanding of Marc's statement is, that the better an XPath expression is (better in the sense of robust), the better the tests are which might be based on the XPath expression. The first XPath statement Marc is quoting:

is not robust at all. If there a small change in the used tables or additional items in the lists, the test will break. If there is a relationship between robust and better, that this statement is not prefered and in this sense, I can understand the statement of Marc very well.


Thursday, August 02, 2007