You could go through each cell, press 'F2' and 'Enter' and Excel would finally identify the content of the cell as a date. But this you would do manually and not by script.
With the following VBA script for Excel, the format can be updated:
Sub UpdateColumnFormat()
Dim usedRangeOfRows As Integer
usedRangeOfRows = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Dim e As Range
Dim currentValueE As Date
For Each e In Range("A2:A" & usedRangeOfRows).Cells
currentValueE = ActiveCell.Value
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = currentValueE
End Sub
This problem occurs regularly, when I copy data from one sheet to another by VBA scripts.
With the above script, I could fix (at least work around it) this issue.
Enjoy :)