Friday, July 28, 2006

Setting up the master Maven 2 project for WebTestClipse - Install Maven 2

I'm setting up the master Maven 2 project for WebTestClipse . You can follow these steps to set up any kind of project.In this post I'll descripe the installation of Maven 2, based on links and some minor notes. It's not to be considered to be a complete installation guide.

1.) Download Maven 2

Download Maven 2 from and chose the right distribution. I'm using .

2.) Unpack Maven into a local directory

I've chosen C:\dev\maven-2.0.4 as my Maven 2 home directory.

3.) Environment Variable

Define a %MAVEN_HOME% variable and extend the %PATH% variable. This will make it possible to call Maven 2 commands from the command line

4.) Test your Installation

Testing the installation is fairly simple. Just call a Maven 2 command from the command shell:

mvn -v

As a result you should see:

Maven version: 2.0.4

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